What is the Joe Andruzzi Foundation?

The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) is a nonprofit organization that provides help, hope, and a reason to smile to cancer patients in the New England area. JAF also provides financial support to families when it is needed so they can focus on recovery.

Its namesake, Joe Andruzzi, is a former American football offensive guard who played with the New England Patriots for five seasons from 2000 to 2004. In May of 2007, Joe was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Burkitt’s lymphoma. He went through an aggressive treatment of chemotherapy for over three months and received his last treatment in August of 2007. The Andruzzi Foundation was founded the following year.

Why did A.I.M. Mutual get involved?

In 2019, A.I.M. Mutual became the exclusive workers’ compensation carrier for The Kraft Group. In conjunction with that relationship, we became suite holders at Gillette Stadium (home of the Patriots), and I was responsible for coordinating those on-site events. During one of the first Patriots games we attended as suite holders, Joe and his son made a guest appearance. Joe is one of the most personable people I have ever met. You got the feeling that you knew him for years. He was very open about his battle with cancer and why he and his wife Jennifer started the Foundation. It is heartbreaking when you hear that a family is fighting the battle of their lives and cannot afford to pay bills or put food on their table. Getting involved and giving back the way that the Foundation does is something A.I.M. Mutual proudly stands behind and wants to be associated with.

A.I.M. Mutual invited Joe to speak at an employee meeting. Why bring the two together?

Prior to our meeting, Mike Standing, our CEO and President, attended Vistage, a global executive coaching organization made up of CEOs and executives who meet regularly. There he learned about “The Time You Have (in Jelly Beans)”.

The concept behind this is the following: What would you do if you had only so many jelly beans to accomplish what you wanted in your life? You are given one jelly bean for every day of your life (assuming you live to age 79), equaling 28,835 jelly beans. In actuality, you might have more jelly beans in your life or less. What if you had just one more day? What would you do? Every employee at A.I.M. Mutual was given a “Jelly Bean” day—a paid day off—to be used volunteering or doing something they wouldn’t normally have the time to do because of having to work. Just a way of giving back.

Scheduling internal events is also part of my role, and Joe’s efforts to help people in need—with no expectation of getting anything in return—was one reason we asked him to speak at our All-Employee Meeting. It tied in to our “Jelly Bean” day. Another was to give everyone the chance to hear his story. His battle with cancer hits home with so many people, and even though he is famous—especially here in New England—it does not make him untouchable. Anything can happen. Cancer knows no boundaries, as we all know.

How is A.I.M. Mutual supporting the Foundation’s efforts?

We participate in fundraisers throughout the year, and each one directly helps families who are struggling through what can be the hardest times of their lives. We attend charity events, play in golf tournaments, and help get the Foundation’s word out. We are in the process of becoming one of their sponsors.

Why is the need especially urgent now with the pandemic?

Covid-19 changed the world in early 2020. No one truly knew what to expect or how long the effects would last.

Getting involved and giving back the way that the Foundation does is something A.I.M. Mutual proudly stands behind

Everything shut down. The days of holding events where you could socialize no longer existed. You had to become creative in your approach. We recently attended a virtual charity event to raise money for JAF. Families still need help even during a pandemic. Problems just don’t disappear. Everyone working toward a common goal to get the job done is now more important than ever.

How can other businesses become involved?

Any business that is interested in helping out or becoming a sponsor just needs to contact the Foundation. Their website is chock-full of information about events, sponsorships, and   volunteer opportunities. Join us!

Elizabeth Cascio is Executive Assistant & Event Coordinator for A.I.M. Mutual

Insurance Companies and has been with the Company since December 2015.



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Elizabeth Cascio is Executive Assistant & Event Coordinator for A.I.M. Mutual Insurance Companies and has been with the Company since December 2015.