Key Takeaways from Our 2022 Summer Interns

Aug 30, 2022

Thank you to John DiMare, Alden Young and Evan Coughlin who recently completed their summer internships with us in our finance and claim areas. We appreciate their contributions and the feedback they provided on their experience working in insurance and with A.I.M. Mutual.

John DiMare – Finance/Premium Receivables
UMass Amherst, majoring in Sports Management at the Isenberg School of Business

Recently I completed my summer-long internship with A.I.M Mutual Insurance Companies. Working as a finance intern in the premium receivables department, I was able to meet and learn from so many great people. Throughout my time I worked on numerous projects that taught me valuable skills and lessons that I can take with me in the future.

Everyone at A.I.M Mutual was so inviting and supportive and I cannot thank them enough for making this experience a memorable one. 

Alden Young – Claims
UMass Lowell, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, concentration in Business Management

I cannot thank the people of A.I.M. Mutual enough for the internship opportunity I received over the summer. I was able to create invaluable relationships as well as learn the ins and outs of such a fantastic company. Being in the claims department allowed me to interact closely with employees and employers to establish a positive connection, while also determining the quickest route for the employee to return to work. Furthermore, I was able to organize and speak with medical providers to provide treatment for employees when needed.

I got the privilege to work alongside the Director of Claims, Claims Managers, and Claims Supervisors, while also being able to interact and learn other aspects and departments within A.I.M. Mutual. I honestly cannot think of a better learning opportunity, and I know for a fact that I can take this information to whatever I do in the future. The culture within A.I.M. Mutual was phenomenal! I felt needed and supported, which provided the ability to feel comfortable asking questions whenever necessary.

Evan Coughlin – Claims
Springfield College, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Management

I wanted to reinforce how grateful I am for the opportunity to work for A.I.M. Mutual. My experience interning as a Medical Only Specialist has been nothing but positive.

From the first day on the job when the CEO Dan Landers shook my hand and introduced himself, A.I.M. Mutual felt like home. It is rare for a company’s executives to know the interns by name, let alone go up and shake their hands and introduce themselves. A.I.M. Mutual does all the little things the right way in order for their employees to succeed and feel appreciated. The people I have met and the relationships I have built reinforce such a positive culture and a place where people feel supported. Throughout the past three months I have been able to work closely with the Claims Director, Claims Supervisors and Managers, and other claims adjusters to extend my knowledge of claims and insurance. I will carry what I have learned with me for the rest of my career and am very grateful for the opportunity to work for such an incredible company!

The career path to insurance is different for everyone, and A.I.M. Mutual invites undergraduate students to Contact Us to learn more about available opportunities throughout the year. Internships often open the door to an industry like workers’ compensation, giving candidates a first-hand look at the roles and rewards. View video The Value of Internships in Workers’ Compensation.