PolicyHolder Spotlight - In Partnership with Us Since the Beginning
Jan 09, 2015
In Partnership with Us…Since the Beginning
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc., Boston, MA, Insured with us since November 17, 1989
It’s a small organization that has a big impact on public policy and fiscal issues.
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc. provides research and analysis on some of the most critical matters facing the Commonwealth. Lawmakers have come to rely on the Foundation’s balanced, unbiased reporting when approaching reform measures or considering new legislation. Since its inception in 1932, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation’s mission has been to provide accurate, non-partisan reporting and recommendations to assist in fostering the long-term well-being of the Commonwealth. Its track record speaks for itself.
Consider that the Foundation has garnered 16 prestigious national awards from the Governmental Research Association in the last 15 years alone. It has played an instrumental role in a wide range of state and local fiscal, tax and economic policies. For instance, its policy research was in high demand by legislators debating the “Tech Tax”, a tax on software services which was ultimately repealed in 2013, and complex health care issues, which led to landmark reform in 2006.
How does an organization like the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation become such an important resource not only for policymakers, but for media outlets, which often turn to the Foundation for comment and background?
“We’ve had that impact because we have earned credibility through the quality of the work,” explained Michael Widmer, president of the Foundation for more than 22 years. To that point, Mr. Widmer recently did a presentation to the full Massachusetts Senate as part of a private caucus on state and municipal finances. “It’s the bread and butter of what we do,” he said.
The issues the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation studies are as far-reaching as health care and transportation to public education, tax competitiveness and capital investments. Moreover, the Foundation looks at the long-term impact of policies under scrutiny.
As for workers compensation insurance, the Foundation was with A.I.M. Mutual for 2 ½ years before Mr. Widmer came on board. The choice to stay had to do with quality. “We feel good about our association with A.I.M. Mutual,” said Mr. Widmer.