A.I.M. Mutual Supports Cradles to Crayons
Sep 06, 2016
Paying It Forward to Help Boston Public Schools
Volunteers from A.I.M. Mutual joined the effort on Boston’s City Hall Plaza August 5 to help children get ready for the start of school. They participated in Cradles to Crayons®, a national nonprofit that distributes school supplies and backpacks to area students.
This year’s event marked the 10th anniversary of the Ready for School Backpack-A-Thon, where volunteers packed 40,000 backpacks. The backpacks are distributed to children living in low-income and homeless situations not only in Boston, but also in Philadelphia and Chicago. A.I.M. Mutual’s volunteers were among 850 on hand to join the backpack assembly line.
“We are thankful for support that has come from all parts of the community—corporations, organizations, families and individuals—people who know the value of providing basic needs and want to make sure that no child goes without,” said Lynn Margherio, CEO and founder of Cradles to Crayons®, in a media release.
Supporting Cradles to Crayons® on behalf of A.I.M. Mutual were: Nina LaFauci, Carla Kavanaugh, June Lloyd, Patti DeViller, Scott Scribner, Sandy Laurino, Sally Burke, Lynne Bettencourt, Laura Trull, Leigh Ryan, James Mayorga, Colleen Welch, Seak Huot, Laurie Parsons and Mike Standing.